The end of year has a cultural significance and (though some of us might try to ignore it) it provides you with an opportunity.
The Genius of the Body
“As one can see most obviously in gifted athletes and performers, the body itself can be a source of knowledge — coordination, grace, agility, stamina, skill — both intuitive and learned. Indeed, there are a rare few who might be called Einsteins of the body — geniuses at inventing, expressing, and employing movement.”
Bill Hayes
Your body is full of wisdom, potential, power and love.
It can be realised and released by listening deeply and leading courageously.
Take some time to be still and silent
Feel your body breathing
Allow the in breath to expand awareness through your body
As you breath out let go any tension and allow awareness to flow through you.
After 3 - 15 minutes of stillness invite movement into the practice.
Open to the possibility of being guided by the breath and the body (this may take some practice).
After 15 minutes of moving in this way move on with your day - with a gentle effort of staying embodied.
Tune into the Wisdom of your Body
"In order to change, people need to become aware of their sensations and the way that their bodies interact with the world around them. Physical self-awareness is the first step in releasing the tyranny of the past."
Bessel A. van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score
Our bodies are gateways to the present moment, vehicles that carry us through the world and containers that we often get lost in (they are also much more then words can convey).
Disconnection from our bodies, leaves us disconnected from the world, lost in thought and stuck in our heads.
Reconnecting to our bodies can be a therapeutic rest for the mind and nervous system, a way of opening more fully to our experience and shifting our perspective and a way of re-engaging with a wisdom and intuition that is largely ignored and trampled by the modern world.
three ways to connect with your body
Workout - if you're feeling high energy or want to build more energy workout. Lift some weights, run, dance, jump, play - get into your body and notice what it's like to move in a vigorous challenging but safe way.
Mindful Movement - sometimes our bodies are tired and minds are wired. In moments like this engaging in low impact, low energy movements - like yin yoga, tai chi. or just gentle, slow, nurturing movements - can be a beautiful healing retreat from the noise of the mind.
Stillness / Listening - meditating on a still body can be surprisingly challenging and empowering. Simply sit with the experience of stillness and notice what comes up in the body and mind for 3 - 15 minutes.
Key of Yet
“I am always doing what I can't do yet in order to learn how to do it."
Vincent Van Gogh
You are an ever changing, ever growing being -
if you choose to be
You have infinite potential to grow into -
or to let go to waste.
The door of “I can’t” can keep you trapped
The key of “yet” can set you free.
What’s one thing you’re willing to be “bad” at until you get good?
“Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day“.
Brené Brown
Authenticity is the practice of being true to yourself.
More than believing everything you think, being guided by emotions, acting upon every impulse, or “doing what you're supposed to do” - if authenticity is an ideal to strive for you must discover (or choose) who you want to be, what you will stay true too?
This orientation invites us beyond ourselves and into our potential.
Authenticity becomes a guiding light to move toward, a path to follow, something to aim at & stand for.
A way of opening to our emotions, impulses, thoughts & the world around us and choosing, purposefully, how to proceed.
Authenticity takes the curiosity and vulnerability to get to know yourself,
the courage and compassion to honour that which you know,
& the humility and willingness to grow beyond.
Each day
*Spend some time (15 - 30 minutes) observing yourself.
Noticing your thoughts, feelings and sensations without reacting to them. Just being still allowing things to be as they are and noticing what it’s like, aka Meditation.
*Write down 1 - 3 values that are important to you and you would like to live by today.
*Be open to ways of practicing those values as the day unfolds.
If authenticity is important to you and you have a better way of honouring it, I would love to hear from you.
Please reply to this email with your thoughts.
"Resistance is not a peripheral opponent. Resistance arises from within.
It is self-generated and self-perpetuated.
Resistance is the enemy within."
― from The War of Art. By Steven Pressfield
Right now as I sit and write this I sit with resistance.
The resistance is presenting as frustration and doubt.
The resistance is commenting on my poor planning, my lack of integrity, the uselessness of this work.
The resistance is working to convince me that it's too hard, not worth it, a waste of time, that I should do one of the other tasks on my list.
Thanks to Steven Pressfield for introducing me to "Resistance".
When we are able to give a name to the collection of excuses, thoughts, feelings and impulses that hold us back and get in the way of what we are called to do, it makes it easy to dis-identify with those parts of our experience so we can choose how to respond.
By recognising and naming "resistance" you get to acknowledge "I am more than my thoughts, feelings, impulses.", "I can lean into my experience and state of being without being controlled by it."
This subtle shift in perspective can transform your state and unlock your potential.
Next time you don't feel like doing something that you really want to do write down or name all the excuses why you don't want to do it.
Then state 1 - 3 reason (the fewer the better) why you will.
Next do the thing and know you are more than that which try's to hold you back.
Bonus exercise - Thanks resistance.
Will is Skill. Resistance is the ground upon which the skill of will us cultivated.
“And do thy duty, even it be humble, rather than another's, even if it be great. To die in ones duty is life, to live in another is death."
Bhagavad Gita
Many of us live full lives
But how many live fulfilling lives?
In a world full of hype it's easy to see what others are doing and feel that we are less than, that we are not doing enough or fulfilling our potential.
The truth is your potential will never be fulfilled, that's the beautiful thing about it, there's always room to grow.
But if you're too focused on what you're not doing,
you'll miss what you are doing
& spend your life being very busy chasing ghosts.
A simple but profound shift you can make is to know your roles.
Recognise the roles you play in your life,
explore why they are meaningful to you,
choose how you want to play those roles &
practice playing them wholeheartedly.
The Art of Stillness
"Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen - that stillness becomes a radiance."
Morgan Freeman
Beyond the noise & the chaos,
Beyond the rush of life,
Beyond the impulse to go, go, go,
There is a stillness.
A sanctuary.
A place you can visit and be at peace.
A place from which you can be just as productive but not a product of "rushing or busyness.”
SOUL Revival
This Saturday, 8th of June, you are invited to join us in for a session of stillness & rest.
Tickets here.
“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”
― Mark Twain