Theres a space we some times visit and that sometimes visits us. That space where the mind is clear, where all worries disappear and the sound of silence creates a sea of bliss for our consciousness to swim in.
The Tiger gets to that space through purpose. Physically or mentally challenging and expressing himself so whole heartedly that all else falls away and the tiger becomes one with the activity at hand.
The Monk gets to the same space through peace. Meditating deeply, curiously, patiently and wholeheartedly.
His breath and focus allowing everything to drop away until only serenity, acceptance and consciousness remain.
Both ends of the spectrum provide us with magical moments of bliss, clarity and oneness but most of our lives are lived in between these two extremes,.
What if we could turn those magical moments into magical states?
The subtle art of mindfulness allows the essence of deep meditation and the flow state achieved when we are fully engaged with a task, to permeate our everyday lives.
While it seems far out and is not an easy thing to master daily mindfulness is perhaps the most powerful practice we can apply to improve the quality of our experience from the inside out!!
Try this:
Rise and Shine
*upon waking before you get out of bed tune in with your thoughts, don't let them sweep you away just notice them. Next bring your attention to your body, how does it feel after a night in bed? Finally tune in with your emotional tone. How are you feeling on the inside? This scan needs to take no more than a minute or two but can take as long you like.
Once you've scanned all those direct your awareness to your breath. Take 5 - 10 deep expansive breaths into your belly and long slow breaths out. If distractions arise acknowledge them and direct you focus back to your breath.
On your last breath get up and out of bed with hesitation and know you've already started to train your "mindfulness muscles".
*Once out of bed begin the day with a formal meditation practice or some self reflective journalling.
Life is Art
*As you go about your day attempt to honour each task as though creating art. Move through your day like a martial artist moves in the dojo. Focus on one thing at a time and a be aware of your thoughts, feelings, words and action as you go about your day to day
Re - Mind Yourself
*as the day goes on it's easy for us to get swept away and to start doing things mindlessly. It's a great idea to set a reminder (on your phone, watch or computer) that goes of every two hours. When this alarm goes of tune in with your thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations, noticing whatever's there. Then take 3 - 5 deep breaths, and continue to mindfully go about your day.
Another reminder can be before you walk through the door to your home. Before you walk in consider the energy you a carrying with you. Tune in with your body, thoughts and emotions. Take a few deep breaths before entering your home with the intent of letting go any thing that isn't serving you as you breath out.
Mindful Dining and Desert
Dinner is a great opportunity to slow down before bed time and practice mindful eating. We often eat t.v. in front of the t.v. and computer and barely engage our senses. To mindfully eat dinner is to limit distractions as best you can. No t.v., no computer, (even try no talking. You simply engage all your senses and focus to eating dinner. Noticing the smells, the sounds, the sights of that which you're consuming. Even tuning in with your sense of touch. Notice any thoughts that arise as you do this quite unusual practice. See if you can be patient enough to last the whole meal in this mindful state (it takes patients and perseverance).
Finish Like You Started
Before you go to bed make sure you write down three things you are grateful for from the day gone by and spend another 20 minutes meditating or doing some calming breath work. As you go to bed tune in with you're breath and drift of to the other world.