Universal guidance, inner wisdom, a higher calling.
Our inner genius speaking to us.
Our higher self inviting us to fulfil our potential, to step into our destiny.
Do you ever have thoughts that makes you believe in all the above?
Maybe you even dare to believe the above is true!!
And then self talk steps in and talks you out of it. Convinces you you are not good enough. Keeps you in you place. Convinces you it was just a silly notion, nothing worth paying attention to. Just another day dream, thought or feeling that comes up every now and then. Even if its true there’s just too much standing in your way to consider it further.
Whether we do have a higher self guiding us to fulfil our ultimate potential and become a higher version of ourselves or just a bunch of random thoughts and feelings - some very inspiring and others full of fear doubt and complacency - we still have a choice.
We can act upon those thoughts that inspire us and make us want to shine.
We can accept the thoughts that say we are not good enough as a challenge to get better and continue to improve - not a road block to stop us from shining right now.
We can accept that fear and doubt are over protective but often misplaced safety mechanism designed to protect us from the sort of threats that no longer concern us - lions, tigers, bears, starvation, dehydration.
We can start to listen to that “higher self” as if it really existed, understanding that the more we listen and act the more forthcoming the guidance will be.
1000s of thoughts travel through our minds all day. The ones we listen to and let go of shape our experience. The stories we tell ourselves about these choices shapes our lives.
Listen deeply, choose wisely and act courageously.