Hung Ying - Ming, Master of 3 Ways.
Hung Ying - Ming, Master of 3 Ways.
Why practice meditation?
To know yourself deeply?
To free your self of stress?
To harness your power of attention and focus?
To rest in peace?
To expand your consciousness?
But why????
What would you do with your life if you were more self aware, less stressed, well rested, more able to focus and more conscious?
When you find the Why behind the Why.
When you live with a sense of intention.
When you orient toward the person you want to be, not just the stuff you want to collect.
Then life begins to make sense and it's easier to know what to do.
Then you're life force feels like it's been given meaning.
This is a great blessing
Hung Ying - Ming, Master of 3 Ways.
Hung Ying - Ming, Master of 3 Ways.