If where not careful this wondering can leave us stuck, haunted & confused.
But people aren’t born fully formed
We become who we are by choices made consistently over time.
By following intuitions and ideals that appeal.
Some of us do this with a strong sense of direction & clarity -
“this is my destiny” - “I know where I’m going and who I want to be.”
For others it’s not obvious who it is we are becoming or where it is we are going
Perhaps we lack a sense of purpose and personal becoming
This can feel disheartening and we might imagine that until we figure it out our destiny is on hold.
That our genius is being suppressed.
That we are wandering, lost through the world.
But not all who wander are lost.
That you are making choices, paying attention and orienting to those things which spark something inside of you means the "YOU" you wonder about is surely being formed.
Free from the illusion of certainty that some people hold, your genius is manifest in moments that might not to seem to have much momentum.
But often magic is a happening beyond our current capacity to notice.
It can be helpful to remember Dr Seuss' reminder
"Today you are you that's truer than true.
There's no one alive who is youer that you."
When you make choices from your heart, choices from that place that feels true to you - even though there might be doubt and uncertainty, even when the choices seem small and insignificant - you are honouring the inner guide that is shaping your destiny.
Movement, Meditation and Mindfulness are ways we can form a deeper connection with our selves and also get beyond ourselves enough to see who we are and the forces that shape us.
On December 2nd we are running a live event to immerse you in some simple but profound meditative practices. The experience is designed to create a shift and empower you with some tools to foster a deeper connection and self awareness.