When you find yourself stuck in your own head
Being overly judgemental, unhelpfully critical, focused only on what is wrong
Know that you can choose another way.
Knowing is sometimes enough.
Knowing that you are stuck in one particular way of thinking, seeing, being can sometimes be a catalyst for a shift.
And sometimes another way is required.
One can look at the nature of the mind in this moment as a way through.
The obstacle becomes the way.
Look at the thoughts that are bouncing around, that are telling stories, that are triggering your emotions and are shaping your experience.
Look at the feelings that support those thoughts, that animate you in a certain way and seem to trigger more thoughts (& more feelings)
Look how this inner world is manifesting in your body.
How are you holding yourself? What's your posture like? What physical sensations do you notice in your face, neck, shoulders, hands, hips, feet?
Notice what it's like to notice in this way.
What's it like to take a moment to neutrally notice that which shapes your state?
Another way is to expand out.
To expand your point of view
To open to a more whole, open way of seeing and being.
This can be done
Via the senses - by looking around and listening. What can you see and here that you hadn't noticed before?
Via the body - by moving and "burning off" or expressing some energy
Via the mind - by remembering that this moment of time & space exists with in eternity and that it will pass.
When you find yourself stuck in your head you've found yourself.
This is the first step to freedom