Learning To See

You seek to the view at the top of the mountain, first you must learn to see at the bottom.

Often we set intentions that speak to a change we seek to make.
And often these intentions do not come to fruition.

If we a determined and have a change worth making we may continue to seek.

But if we want to realise that which we seek we must learn to see.
To see our past beyond the fog of rumination
To see the present moment in the light of mindfulness.
To see our future as product of our choices & actions (and some luck), not what we passively hope for .

Reflection is a way of seeing our past in a skilful light.

Some questions that might help you see your past in a way that might empower your future
What did I do well last today?
Did I do what I set out to do? If so what helped me do that? How can I keep it up or improve? If not why not? What do I need to do differently to improve?
Am I closer to my Vision thanks the choices and actions I made today?
What will I do tomorrow in service of my vision?

What do I have to be grateful for?
What did those moments feel like?
What people did you share today with?
How did you relate to those people?
How did you feel today?
How did you relate to your emotions?
What made toady meaningful to you?

How will you live this tomorrow to make it better than today?

These questions, or some version of them, can be asked daily and/or weekly.
They are great support in staying on track and course correcting when needed.Mindfulness is a way of tuning into the present moment so we can be there for life and respond in service of our Vision.

You can do this right now -

Notice what you're thinking?
What are you feeling?
What sensations can you notice in your body (feet, legs, hips, spine, arms, hands, neck, head)?
What do you sense (see, hear, smell, feel, taste) all around you?
What's it like to slow down enough to pay attention to your experience in this moment?

What would the best version of you do next?