Catching Ghosts

"Inspiration is merely the reward for working every day."

Charles Baudelaire

To be inspired is to feel the grace of god, potential, genius, possibility arise inside of you.

To have felt, or even imagined, inspiration is to have stumbled upon a treasure.

The way to unlock that treasure is not by waiting for it to re-appear - but by working diligently so when it comes you catch it.

The work you do when you're "uninspired" creates a habit to take best advantage of inspiration when it strikes.

Answer This

What will you work on this week (even if you don't feel like it)?

When will you do it?

What resistance might you face?

How will you overcome that resistance?

At the end of the week reflect ......

What was it like to do what you said you were going to do (or not)?

What was it like to harmonise words thoughts and actions (or not)?
