"Setting up our intention is at least half of learning.
Its like aiming at a target with a bow and arrow."
Hey Legends
Meditation is a simple practice & profound teacher, but building a meditation habit can be tough.
As with building any new habit you're likely to face resistance and distractions.
Your willingness & ability to commit to practicing will help you overcome many of these challenges.
Getting clear on your intentions or why you want to meditate can be a powerful driver and taking some time to plan & prepare can support in bringing the practice to life.
Here's some questions that might help you
Spend some time (15 - 20 minutes) exploring your intentions for this course/ your meditation journey/ the next four weeks.
1. What do you hope to get out of mindfulness and meditation?
2. Why is this important to you?
Bring a sense of curiosity and exploration to this exercise - for some of us this may come easy and for some of us it may be a bit of struggle, this is something that may evolve as you progress and if you are not completely clear on your answers that's ok too.
When will I practice?
Where will practice?
How long will I practice for?
What resistance or challenges am I likely to face?
How will I respond to challenges and resistance?
Remember these questions are designed to help you foster a sense of commitment and create a plan to make meditation a habit.
If you have a different approach you might use that instead or along with these questions.
Billy Telfer
Tiger & The Monk