Beyond Rationed Rationality Into Limitless Love

"I have felt that the problems that we kept creating with our rational minds were only going to be solved by our intuitive connection to the universe."

Ram Dass

Your body has an intelligence

Your heart has an intelligence

There is a wisdom to being that is beyond intellect

An expansive heart based intelligence that can guide you beyond rationed reason.

Try This:

Breath into your heart.


Allow awareness to radiate gently from your heart through your body out into your shoulders, up into your neck, down into your belly.

Continue to breath into your heart and allow you awareness to expand.

Feel awareness breathing from your heart into the souls of your feet, the palms of your hands and the top of you head.

Allow awareness to expand from you heart, through your body and into the world around you.

Know that you are part of the world around you,
open to feeling that connection.

As you move from meditation consider how you might act from a place of connection.

Metta (Loving Kindness Mediation) is a powerful tool for nurturing a sense of loving kindness toward ourselves, others and the world.

It can help ease anxiety around being with others and orient us to a sense of deeper connection.

For a guided Metta Practice click here